Retail is a constantly evolving environment, employing part time, full time, casual and seasonal staff, all needing expert product knowledge and exemplary customer service skills. Traditional approaches to learning are not enough to deliver fast comprehensive knowledge for all.

Microlearning with mLearn provides on the job, engaging learning for fast access to relevant learning where and when it's needed.
Let's Go!
How mLearn can help
Product Information
New product information, store and merchandise layouts, seasonal specials and changing promotions. The amount of information your staff need to perform their roles can be overwhelming.
mLearn offers mobile friendly, task-specific information.
Bite size pieces of information, easier to digest and instantly actionable.
  • Product details via infographics
  • Easy to update product news
  • Product display layout images
  • Promotions and special updates
Customer Service
To ensure great customer experience, retail staff must have both comprehensive product knowledge and offer excellent customer service. Brand consistent customer service reflecting the retailer's values is key to the success of the retailer.
mLearn delivers CX learning in engaging, easy to digest messages.
  • Brand values & company ethos
  • Easy to follow key CX learning
  • Peer to Peer insight into in-store customer experience
  • Engaging storytelling & role playing videos -for handling customer questions or complaints
  • Introducing and developing staff emotional intelligence
  • CX as a constant with regular prompts and scheduled short messaging
  • Promotion of company vision, ethos and values
Personal development and on-the-job learning is proven to produce happier more fulfilled employees, better sales figures and lower staff turnover.

Store Information
The challenge is to ensure staff have up to the minute brand consistent information across all stores.
mLearn delivers relevant updates and information to teams working in multiple locations.
  • New store layout maps, graphics & images
  • Inventory training relayed via clear short videos and animations
  • Personalised learning to relevant departments
Health & Safety
Casual and seasonal staff need practical on-boarding and crucial health and safety information delivered efficiently.
The challenge is to deliver this information as cost effectively as possible without taking staff off the shop floor.
Time efficient learning with mLearn
  • Key onboarding delivered as staggered short messages and repeated for ultimate retention
  • Personalised learning, ensuring casual staff only receive the information relevant to their needs.
  • Mobile learning that can be accessed on the job
  • Stock room health and safety microlearning linked to QR codes on site

Why it works
Simple and intuitive MicroLearning
Accessible Knowledge
Individual logins mean instant access to learning specifically tailored to a role, process or expertise.

Mobile Learning
Access learning on the job and at the convenience of the learner, promoting self-led learning and better engagement, ideal for busy healthcare professionals.

Knowledge Retention
Essential information is easily digested and retained when it is delivered in bite size pieces and repeated over a set amount of time. Constant quick quizzes or questionnaires force knowledge recall, resulting in long term retention.

Adaptable Development
As the learner learns, content can be adjusted to suit individual needs to make a seamless L & D journey: to Admin overview of test results allows measurement of the learning's success, so weak points can be addressed quickly.

Brands that trust us

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