Rising to the challenge of COVID-19
Part 1
MicroLearning has never been more relevant than it is today. Whether its news updates, updated regulations, new skills or memory jogging mLearn adapts to all types of learning, supporting various medias and available on multiple devices.
You're a manager who needs your dispersed workforce to stay updated with company news, policies, practices and procedures.

mLearn content can be quickly created, updated and deployed, meaning your workforce are delivered with up to the minute information and supported by expert knowledge, even when they're not in the office.
Your workforce are key workers and you need updated health and safety information sent to them on a frequent basis.

mLearn is simple and quick to update and the push notifications to phones, inboxes and messenger apps means your workforce have the most up to date, official guidelines on the job.
Your team is on the frontline and need constant, official updates.

mLearn's agility means all official updates and news can be quickly uploaded and delivered in real time directly to messenger apps, via sms or to inboxes.